Comments for Planning Application BH2024/00617


Application Summary

Application Number: BH2024/00617

Address: 8 & 9 Lucraft Road Brighton BN2 4PN

Proposal: Erection of two-bedroom house (C3) joining 8 & 9 Lucraft Road, incorporating associated roof extensions, removal of existing rear garages to form garden, formation of hardstanding to front, installation of sheds and revisions to front gardens of existing dwellings and associated works.

Case Officer: Charlie Partridge


Customer Details

Name: Councillor Mitchie Alexander


Comment Details

Commenter Type: Councillor

Stance: Customer objects to the Planning Application Comment Reasons:

-  Detrimental effect on property value

-  Poor design

Comment: I, as a local ward councillor am objecting to this application, as i feel that by building a new house between number 8 and number 9, it will be turning the row of semi-detached houses into terrace houses. The homes on either side of number 8 and number 9 will become end of terrace houses rather than semi-detached houses and they will see their properties devalue through no choice of their own. I understand that we do need new homes built but the development of a new house sandwiched in between number 8 and number 9, will change the look of this row of homes forever.